Digital tools and support from the Smart Manufacturing Data Hub
SMDH is an Innovate UK backed programme designed to help manufacturers in Northern Ireland and across the UK to harness industry 4.0 technologies that will unlock data insights, improve productivity and drive growth.
Energy Insights Tool
SMDH Energy Insights Tool is your key to understanding, optimising, and harnessing the full potential of your energy usage. Our suite of cutting-edge Manufacturing Energy Insights dashboards empowers businesses to identify potentially wasteful energy practices and target a reduction in energy expenses, irrespective of the tariff in place. View our video demonstration and register your interest.
IoT Sensors for Production and Energy Monitoring
Another key offering is the use of IoT sensors to unlock insights on your production and energy usage. Work with SMDH and its partners, to explore how IoT sensor solutions can support you to track equipment usage, monitor temperature and air quality, capture downtime or digitally track jobs.
If you’re interested in learning more about how SMDH can support your business, get in touch to discuss your requirements –

How can we help?