Manufacturing NI publishes regular insights and reports on the state of the sector.
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Manufacturing and the Northern Ireland economy
First published in 2016- this report, from Oxford Economics, outlines the full impact on jobs, wages, GVA, exports and other areas on both a macro NI level and in each of our 11 new Councils. We hope the NI Executive and its Departments and agencies as well as local Councils find this analysis useful when settling on their actions and interventions which will grow the economy and build strong communities. The NI Executive has a number of significant challenges – creating wealth and work across NI; sustainable, well paid highly skilled and entry level jobs; closing the productivity gap with GB and the EU; building strong, healthy communities; increasing exports; developing an innovative, modern economy and rebalancing an economy.
It is clear from this Oxford Economics report that no other part of our economy delivers these outcomes more than the manufacturing sector…
214k direct and supported jobs – 1 in 4 of all jobs in the economy.
A £9.9bn GVA, around 1/3rd of the economy.
Productivity at £55,700 is 38% higher than NI average with advanced
manufacturing contribution 27% more.
Exports at £6bn, almost two-thirds of all export sales.
£254 million in R&D in 2014, accounting for over 60 percent of total business
Attracting £900 million in FDI Between 2010 and 2014.
The State of Manufacturing
The latest Manufacturing NI and Tughans “The State of Northern Ireland Manufacturing 2019” manufacturing survey reveals a sector demonstrating continued resilience and growth in a context of political uncertainty, skills shortages and rising costs.
The survey, which was conducted in May/June 2019 for Manufacturing NI and legal firm Tughans, showed that 76% of respondents (up from 67% in December 2018) consider the uncertainty of Brexit to be the biggest issue currently affecting business with local political uncertainty coming a close second.
Against this background, 67% of those surveyed described their business as being in a position of growth whilst 47% said they expected that growth to continue in the next 12 months. Significantly, 87% described their companies as having realised profits in the last year.
2110 – Manufacturing NI Tughans a2 cross folded to a4 leaflet web version
The Engine of Prosperity
A report on the contribution which manufacturing makes to the Northern Ireland economy. This report from Oxford Economics uncovers the full impact on jobs, wages, GVA, exports and other areas on both a macro NI level and in each of the 11 new Councils. The NI Executive has a number of significant challenges – creating wealth and work across NI; sustainable, well paid highly skilled and entry level jobs; closing the productivity gap with GB and the EU; building strong, healthy communities; increasing exports; developing an innovative, modern economy and rebalancing an economy.
Brexit Toolkit
This toolkit will help your business deal with trade and migration issues
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