If you have an interest in the future of manufacturing in Northern Ireland, you wouldn’t have wanted to miss hearing the latest from Makers Alliance and Invest NI.Building on its strategic plan (Making a Better Future),

Makers Alliance recently published a companion delivery plan entitled “Vision with Action.” Drawing on international best practices and informed by a panel of industry experts, authors Mark Huddleston and Mark Nodder set out a vision for the future as well as a practical set of recommended actions for industry and government.MC’d by Stephen Kelly of Manufacturing NI, the event featured presentations from Makers Alliance Joint Chief Executives Mark Nodder and Mark Huddleston.

There was also a unique opportunity to meet Kelly Murphy, Invest NI’s AME Sector Development Manager, who explained Invest NI’s latest plans to support manufacturing companies.

The slides of both presentations are here:Invest NI slides Makers Alliance webinar 10 Sept 24 KM updated MNI Webinar Slidedeck Sept24

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