The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) has announced that it will be carrying out a workplace transport inspection campaign at manufacturing premises across Northern Ireland.

The inspection campaign will run throughout Autumn, starting in September 2023. The campaign will continue for several months.

Speaking on the upcoming campaign, HSENI Principal Inspector (Manufacturing) Anne Boylan said:

Workplace transport incidents continue to be an area responsible for fatalities and major injuries in the manufacturing sector. The main causes of injury are people falling from vehicles, being struck by or crushed by them and vehicles overturning.

“Beginning in September HSENI Inspectors will be visiting premises throughout Northern Ireland to ensure effective controls are in place to manage the risks associated with workplace transport.”

To manage the risks from workplace transport effectively, employers and those in control of premises need to consider the following three key areas:

  • Safe Site
  • Safe Vehicle
  • Safe Driver

HSENI Inspectors will be providing information and advice during the inspection campaign. Where significant risks are found, Inspectors may take enforcement action in order to achieve compliance with health and safety legislation to ensure that the risks are properly managed.

Practical guidance to help employers review their current health and safety arrangements at their premises and a checklist which will form part of the HSENI inspection process is available at:

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