Support is available to help Northern Ireland businesses improve their supply chain resilience and competitiveness

Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI) has issued a call for applicants to the Supply Chain Resilience and Development Solutions (SCRDS). This scheme supports businesses to improve their supply chain resilience and competitiveness.

What support is available?

The framework primarily provides specialist advisory support to help businesses:

  • identify supply chain risks and appropriate mitigations
  • reduce costs
  • improve competitiveness
  • identify supply chain opportunities
  • develop supply chain capability

Depending on a business’ circumstances, financial assistance towards the salary costs of a dedicated supply chain worker may also be available.

Who is eligible?

It is open to manufacturers and internationally tradeable services, based and operating in Northern Ireland, who manage a supply chain as part of their business or who are involved in the extended supply chain.

SCRDS support is open to any manufacturing or tradable service business which meets the following criteria:

  • Is based, and operating, in Northern Ireland.
  • Manufactures products or provides internationally traded services.
  • Has a total supply chain spend of at least £100,000 in the 2019/2020 or 2020/2021 financial year.
  • Experienced supply chain disruption as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, EU Exit and current global environment.
  • Has or will reach a turnover of £250,000 per annum in the next five years, and achieve at least 25% of those sales outside of Northern Ireland; or be an existing Invest NI customer.
  • Be able to complete a State Aid declaration in the event that financial support for a new key supply chain worker is determined.

How do I apply?

If you feel you meet the eligibility criteria outlined above then you complete the eligibility checker before applying. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you will be directed to complete an online enquiry form and the SCRDS team will then contact you.


Further details

For full details and information on the scheme see Supply Chain Resilience and Development Solutions – Guidance Notes (PDF, 383K).

If you have any enquiries about Supply Chain Resilience and Development Solutions, you can complete the SCRDS online enquiry form

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