At Risk Goods & Movement
Rules of Origin are complex and for many businesses, Brexit will mean they must understand and engage with them for the first time to ensure that free trade means free trade.
Links and more
The rules of origin requirements for the most important provisions that your business needs to understand and comply with, under the UK’s deal with the EU.
Here are useful links
Moving goods between the UK and EU
Check your goods meet the rules of origin
Get Proof of Origin for your goods
Apply for Authorisation to bring goods into Northern Ireland.
Watch Again- Webinar on Rules of Origin & At Risk Goods
Stephen Kelly from Manufacturing NI was joined by Alexander Vince and policy experts from HMRC to help answer questions on Rules of Origin and At Risk Goods in light of the UK Exit from the EU, and how this will impact NI manufacturers.
Brexit Toolkit
This toolkit will help your business deal with trade and migration issues
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