Manufacturing NI Membership 2025-26, Medium sized manufacturer


This is for firms with a rateable value of between £15,000-£50,000

MANUFACTURING NI is a campaigning organisation which celebrates, champions and protects all parts of the manufacturing sector in Northern Ireland. We works with members, workforce representatives, policymakers and regulators to challenge areas which impact on the cost of doing business, specifically around business rates, energy, labour, skills and Brexit. Over the past year we have endeavoured to keep our members and the wider industry informed on the Covid 19 pandemic. We represent all sectors of the manufacturing economy in the region, and their markets – helping companies overcome obstacles, grow and thrive.

This is for the financial year 2025-26

Over the years, we have protected the £58m per year Rates saving for the industry, taken tens of millions of pounds off energy bills, secured finance for key skills development, promoted investment, and much, much more.

We work hard on behalf of the industry to ensure that your voice is heard in the corridors of power in Belfast, London, Dublin, Brussels and beyond. Our stated goal is to make Northern Ireland the best place to have a manufacturing company- no matter the challenges- drawing on our powerful and influential network to represent your businesses’ interests.

We work closely with skills providers to ensure that gaps are identified and filled to ensure that whilst firms are ready
for the challenges of today- they’re equally prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

As well as this- we provide bespoke practical advice on any area which impacts your business. We run regular webinars based on issues and opportunities that impact the industry, and ensure that our members are updated with any changes with regards to Brexit, Covid, Skills and any issues that develop.

Your support is essential so we can continue to celebrate, champion and protect the sector in Northern Ireland.




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