COVID-19: Partner Resources
Below are resources shared from our Partners on how your organisation can manage the threat of COVID-19. Click on each box below for more information:
Pinsent Masons
Pinsent Masons LLP has a team of dedicated senior lawyers working across a number of areas, including:
1. Contracts and Supply Chain
2. Employment and Immigration
3. Facilities – Health and safety obligations
4. Public disclosure requirements
5. Event staging
6. Insurance obligations
They have produced several useful guides to answer your business questions, including:
- Navigating the Disruption of Coronavirus- a link to their most recent Webinar
- Workforce Lay Offs – click here for this guide
- Coronavirus – advice for UK HR Professionals – click here for the guide
- Coronavirus – advice for HR Professionals In Ireland – click here for the guide
- Managing the Impact of Coronavirus on Supply chains – with information on what it will impact, how to deal with customers and suppliers and what actions you can take
- Managing the Business Impact of Coronavirus– what will be the imact on supply chain, employess and facilities
- Coronovirus Disclosure– How to better understand disclosures your business may need to make
They have a dedicated updated site for Coronovirus matters affecting business – click here for details.
Other Resources
COVID-19 Queries from across Europe:
Managing the Business Impact of COVID-19:
Willis Towers Watson
The UK Government has announced that they are temporarily going to act as reinsurer and provide a guarantee to the UK Credit Insurance industry.
Update on 8th June: Trade Credit & Surety PDF
- This announcement is very significant for NI businesses who trade domestically or internationally and follows intense lobbying of the NI Executive by Willis Towers Watson supported by our Trade Bodies and The Business Alliance.
- This is also highly relevant for NI Companies that net credit from their Trade Suppliers, both domestically and abroad. The suppliers that are insured and supported by relevant state backed schemes should be able to continue to supply NI copanies that have been hard pressed and seen their own Credit Ratings reduced by the credit insurers.
As Willis Towers Watson are the local voice of authority on this matter, they are happy to provide you with more details, so don’t hesitate to give them a call. If you are impacted as a supplier, buyer or both.
Details are still ongoing between the ABI and the Treasury, with final detail to come, but WTW will continue to lobby, and encourage others to do the same.
For more information, contact Nigel Birney, Head of Trade Credit, NI on 07917107441 or at nigel.birney@willistowerswatson. Any other queries about how Covid-19 is impacting your insurance, pleawe contact Trevor McClintock, Head of Sales and Client Management on 07790798444 or via
UK Insurance Policy Wording Considerations:
Risk and Insurance Implications of Covid-19 (April 21st):
Client Update – Risk and Insurance Implications of COVID-19
Covid-19 Guideance for Reopening Business
KPMG Northern Ireland
COVID-19 Guidance For Your Business
Government Financial Support for Northern Ireland Businesses
Click here for futher details.
The team at KPMG Northern Ireland are working to provide up-to-date COVID-19 guidance and support to business and have developed practical guides to help you manage the impact.
Guidance on topics include:
- COVID-19 Business Readiness Assessment
- Understanding the impact of COVID-19
- Embedding Resilience – COVID-19
- Tax – Meeting the COVID-19 challenge
- Tax – Key Revenue COVID-19 measures and guidance
- COVID-19 guide for employers and employees
- COVID-19 delays in employment permit processing
- COVID-19 – How the CIO & CISO can help
Click Here for further details.
Embedding Resilience
The rapid outbreak of the coronavirus is having a profound impact on businesses. As viruses know no borders, the impacts will continue to spread.
Below our colleagues in KPMG Northern Ireland have gathered the major COVID-19 related themes that their clients are talking to us about including:
- Dynamic planning
- Keeping momentum in your business
- Crisis management
- Funding
- Supply chain
- Tax considerations
- Legal considerations
- Financial reporting considerations
We hope that that these can help you understand your exposures to COVID-19 and more importantly, position your business to be resilient in the face of this global threat.
Click Here for further details.
Cash Flow Management
The global economy is being impacted by a number of events, curtailing the ability to conduct business as usual. Should you find your business facing immediate cash flow issues resulting from an external economic shock, following a clear concise plan can help you manage your way through the crisis.
There are three fundamental steps:
- Assess
- Engage
- Act
Follow these three steps in navigating a cash flow issues and safeguarding the future of your business, regardless of the industry.
Click Here for further details.
Further Guidance on Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Slides from 30th April Webinar on embedding resilience
KPMG NI – Manufacturing NI Webinar (Slides)
Covid-19: Returning to the Office:
Invest NI
Invest Northern Ireland
Coronavirus Updates: Support For Your Business
Find an answer to your question:
- Click Here – Managing staff health, pay, leave and absence
- Click Here – Managing business operations
- Click Here – Managing business finance, tax, rates and insurance
Coronavirus Updates: News
Find information, support and guidance to help manage the impact of COVID-19:
- Click Here – Advice if you’re expecting cashflow pressures
- Click Here – Business Support Grant Schemes
- Click Here – COVID-19 Corporate Financing Facility
- Click Here – Short Survey – How is COVID-19 impacting your business?
- Click Here – Support and advice for self-employed
- Click Here – Info if your company cannot file accounts with Companies House on time
- Click Here – Rates support for businesses
- Click Here – Call for businesses to help make NHS ventilators
- Click Here – Industry guidance on limiting the spread
- Click Here – Tax helpline to support businesses affected by COVID-19
- Click Here – Business Interruption Loan Scheme
- Click Here – COVID-19 General Advice For Businesses
During this global health crisis, Siemens priority is the health and wellbeing of their employees, customers, partners and respective families and communities. To this end, they’ve taken many steps over the past few weeks to continue developing and delivering solutions that speed digital transformation and best support customers throughout this uncertain period. This includes cancelling or postponing some events and transitioning to virtual events whenever it works best for our customers.
Changing work conditions present an opportunity for the Siemens community to increase their skills and abilities with Siemens software. Effective immediately, and for the period of the COVID-19 impact, Siemens are offering free 30-day subscriptions to their online learning memberships.
With this offer, the community will have free access to a rich set of video-based learning, labs and other engaging training content that can improve proficiency in the products they already use and build skills in new Siemens solutions.
Siemens know that many of their users are working outside their normal environment, so Siemens is working to expand access to our portfolio to our community. A free version of the Mendix application development platform is available for anybody, and many Siemens solutions are available for free to students and start-up companies.
Today they are making available to students and instructors a free 12-month license of the student edition of Mentor’s flagship PADS Professional PCB design software. In addition, they are working with customers to enable home use of some of their products.
Information Coming Soon
How can we help?
See how MNI is committed to helping your business stay safe and survive the pandemic