We appreciate that you are extremely busy and these are difficult conditions for business at the moment. However, we would encourage you to complete this survey that is being conducted on behalf of the NI Business Brexit Working Group (NIBBWG).
The NIBBWG is a group of 14 business bodies and representative groups representing thousands of businesses in the region. We seek to raise the profile and understanding of practical issues facing businesses across all sectors in NI arising from Brexit. This survey comes under this remit.
The purpose of the survey is to assess the type of adjustments that businesses in NI have had to make since the end of the transition period. The information we get from this survey will help the NIBBWG make specific recommendations to the UK government and EU Commission on necessary adjustments/mitigations to the Protocol to support trade to/from NI.
You can access the survey by clicking on this link: https://forms.gle/Bp6HyTxpWSEsddKK7
There are ten main questions to this survey. The data you submit will be treated anonymously and no information is requested that can identify your business. The ‘headline findings’ will be made public and there may be some media coverage of them.
The survey is being conducted by researchers from Queen’s University Belfast and the UK Trade Policy Observatory at the University of Sussex on behalf of the NIBBWG. A summary of the findings will be made publically available via the Queen’s on Brexit website (www.qub.ac.uk/brexit) within a week of the close of the survey.
The Survey is open for just ten days and will close at midnight on Saturday 20th March.