The Enterprise Barometer, now in its fifth year, provides the clearest assessment of how our small, micro, and self-employed businesses are doing and what, in detail, is required to ensure they get the right support at the right time.

To view the comprehensive NI-wide and specific Council area findings, tap below.

NI Enterprise Barometer 2023

Antrim & Newtownabbey

Ards & North Down

Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon


Causeway Coast & Glens

Derry City & Strabane

Fermanagh & Omagh

Lisburn City & Castlereagh

Mid and East Antrim

Mid Ulster

Newry Mourne & Down

The data from the NI Enterprise Barometer is strong and insightful because of the connectivity and engagement that our Local Enterprise Agencies have with their tenants and locally connected businesses.  It is important that Government and key delivery partners work with Local Enterprise Agencies, as the network that has the connectivity with local businesses and the agility to deliver the support that businesses are asking for.

How can we help?