MMS NI have over 15 years’ experience sourcing high quality products in China. Supplying a wide range of companies from SMEs to Blue Chip we have built a reputation for quality and reliability. Our experienced team take care of all aspects of sourcing including factory evaluation, samples, quality control, customs clearance, duty, shipping, logistics, storage and delivery to your warehouse. All this whilst still offering you a considerable cost saving.
MMS NI Ltd previously known as MMS Wholesale Ltd was established in January 2003 and since then we have grown and evolved considerably. Originally the company sourced low cost products and sold these online direct to the public both from our online store and eBay store.
Following numerous factory visits to China we saw an opportunity to have these factories make components for our local manufacturing companies. Subsequently, we supplied our first such components to this industry in 2004, and since then the business has grown significantly.
MMS NI Ltd now service a range of industries with high quality products sourced from our well-established network of factories. We still deliver significant cost savings but now we work more closely with our customers to offer a bespoke, solution based package which adds real value to their business.
Our product range has also grown and we now supply a diverse variety of parts from the simplest component to complex assemblies. This has led us to source new factories and suppliers specialising in a wide range of materials including metal, glass, rubber, plastic, nylon, composites, foam etc.
Our dedicated team provide solutions with the added provision and application of knowledge and technical expertise along with before and after sales support. We take care of every aspect of importing from sourcing the right factory to delivering the finished product to your site. Shipping & logistics, customs clearance, warehousing and delivery are all taken care of by our inhouse team.
Quality control checks are implemented throughout the full process by our qualified team and a sample of every product is supplied prior to switching on volume.
Contact info:
Address: 6 Creagh Industrial Park, Toombridge