Line managers play a crucial role in modern, productive successful organisations.  A report from the UK Department for Business Innovation and Skills suggested that ineffective line managers cost UK businesses over £19 billion per year in lost working hours, while 43% of UK managers rate their own line manger as ‘ineffective’.  Effective line managers positively contribute to productive organisations by reducing staff turnover, successfully managing absence and limiting lost working days while positively contributing to performance management and ensuring that employees and their skills are fully developed and utilised.

In recognising the fundamental role of the modern line manager we have developed the ‘LRA Certificate in Effective Line Management Practice’ to equip managers with the people management knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their role and to foster a positive employment relations environment.  The Certificate is specifically designed for those, either newly appointed to the role or with more experience, with line management responsibilities.

Initially the programme was delivered from both our head office in Belfast and our Regional Office in Derry, as well as in partnership with a number of our local Councils.  However in 2021 we have just successfully delivered the entire programme online.

What modules are covered?

  • Week 1– Good Employment Practice – the business case & Handling Difficult Conversations
  • Week 2– Attendance Management
  • Week 3– Managing Mental Health at Work
  • Week 4– Workplace Investigations
  • Week 5- Managing Performance
  • Week 6– Discipline and Grievance
  • Week 7– Managing Conflict and Dignity at Work
  • Week 8– Case Study assessment

What are the hours of attendance?

Dependent upon delivery model – approximately 2 hours per week.

Are the participants required to complete any assignments?

No, however there is an expectation of active engagement in the programme and they may be required to do some advanced reading in preparation for the following week’s seminar.  In order to successfully complete the programme all participants must attend the case study assessment.

Is there a cost?

No – all of the Agency’s services are provided free of charge.  We would particularly welcome facilitating the programme for your members in partnership with ManufacturingNI.

Is the Certificate externally verified by an awarding organisation?

No, however this is currently being explored.

In addition to the above I also wanted to make you aware of a number of seminars and other resources available through our website which may be beneficial for your members, including seminars, codes of practice and guidance.

How can we help?