Grant funding for feasibility and engineering studies, energy efficiency, deep decarbonisation projects, and non-road mobile machinery

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has launched the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 2: Autumn 2022.

This support will provide up to £70 million of grant funding for the following project types:

  • studies – feasibility and engineering studies to enable companies to investigate identified energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects before making an investment decision
  • energy efficiency – deployment of technologies to reduce industrial energy consumption
  • deep decarbonisation – deployment of technologies to achieve industrial emissions savings

In this application window, the IETF will also support projects that improve the energy efficiency and/or reduce emissions of non-road mobile machinery. The machinery must be necessary to, and a part of, the industrial process located within the boundary of the eligible site.

Your business must operate an existing site which falls into one of the following categories:

  • mining and quarrying
  • manufacturing
  • recover and recycling of materials
  • data centre

To find out more about the IETF Phase 2: Autumn 2022 competition, read the applicant guidance and details of the application process

IETF stakeholder clinics

The stakeholder clinics help businesses planning on bidding for Phase 2 funding by enabling them to speak directly to BEIS and ask questions around potential bids, scope of the competitions, eligibility criteria, how to apply for funding, the IETF support and information services available, and more. The clinics are run on a fortnightly basis, with the next ones taking place on 6 December 2022 and 13 December 2022 (due to the Christmas holidays) – register now for an IETF stakeholder clinic

IETF Virtual Technology Marketplace

To support businesses interested in applying for IETF funding, BEIS is running the Virtual Technology Marketplace, which offers industrial site owners (eligible manufacturers and data centres) the chance to browse videos showcasing the potential technology that can reduce the energy demand and emissions associated with their industrial processes.

If you are an industrial site owner, by signing up for the Technology Marketplace you will be able to see videos pre-screened to ensure only technologies eligible for the IETF competitions are featured. Covering both energy efficiency and decarbonisation technology areas, they will give manufacturers and data centre owners ideas and contacts for technologies that could be deployed on their industrial sites in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Register now for the IETF Virtual Technology Marketplace

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