On 26 January 2022 Economy Minister, Gordon Lyons MLA, launched the Independent Review of Invest Northern Ireland

The Review will provide an independent assessment of the organisation’s efficiency and effectiveness as well as its capacity to strategically align with, and operationally deliver, the 10X Economic Vision.

The Panel is chaired by Sir Michael Lyons, who is supported by Dame Rotha Johnston DBE and Maureen O’Reilly.

Have your say

The Review Panel is committed to ensuring all voices are heard during this evaluation. We are actively seeking widespread evidence and opinion on the responsibilities and performance of the organisation, so that the needs and ambitions of the different parts of NI are fully reflected in our eventual conclusions.

A Call for Evidence launched on 1 March and will close on 1 April 2022. We would encourage you to submit evidence in relation to the issues identified in the Terms of Reference via the Consultation Portal.

The panel would encourage more in depth responses via email, and can be reached at info@investnireview.org.uk

The questions being considered by the panel can be seen here: call-for-evidence_0

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