DAERA is asking for help from Northern Ireland businesses that manufacture, import, or sell batteries either on their own or in a product.
‘Batteries’ means all types of batteries, including portable batteries and those in electrical devices, cars and in large machinery.
We are asking businesses to complete a survey so that DAERA can work out any implications for businesses from the new EU Batteries Regulation.
The EU Batteries Regulation applies from 18th February 2024 and will gradually introduce new rules to strengthen sustainability of batteries and waste batteries, to protect the environment and human health, and increase circularity.
The EU position is that it will be applicable to Northern Ireland under the Windsor Framework.
The results of this survey will be shared anonymously with UK Government, to ensure they are fully aware of potential implications for businesses in Northern Ireland.
In this survey, we want to hear about:
– Your business and involvement with the battery trade.
– the battery trade within Northern Ireland.
– the battery trade to/from Northern Ireland.
– the battery trade between Northern Ireland and Great Britain; and
– waste batteries, if applicable.
Please click the link below to complete the survey, which should take 10-15 mins to complete.
The Survey will close on 05 December 2023
Further information
A Batteries Policy update was presented at a DAERA webinar in February 2023, and provided details on the EU Batteries Regulation and on the upcoming UK battery reforms.
The recording can be viewed at the following link:
Extended Producer Responsibility Webinar
Please select ‘Tackling problem waste streams Episode 2’ (bottom of the page).
The batteries update starts 53 minutes in, until 1.02 minutes.
Please note, the timelines have been updated since the recording. The EU Batteries Regulation has entered into force and will apply from 18th February 2024.
If you would like to register to attend future webinars or have any queries, please contact: eprteam@daera-ni.gov.uk