The Department for Economy published the 10x Economic Vision in May 2021, setting out a strategic framework for how we will transform the economy through a decade of innovation.

For the next step in meeting this ambition, the Department has launched a consultation on the 10X Performance Management Framework.  This consultation seeks views on the Framework which will set the necessary structure and emphasis on performance for achieving the 10X Vision. This will guide the work of the Department and our Arm’s Length Bodies.

The consultation is launched alongside publication of the 10X Vision Baseline report.  This report is a key component of the wider Performance Management Framework, setting out the reference point from which progress and success will be monitored.

Both documents can be found at the following link:

A webinar in relation to this consultation will be held on 20 October 2022. If you would like to attend, please send a request to

To ensure that a wide range of people can inform our work, we are seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to be involved further, whether through focus groups, participation in co-design or sharing more about their views on innovation, inclusion and sustainability. Expressions of interest for this can be made through the following link:

10x Performance Management Framework: Expressions of interest for further engagement

This will remain open until 18 January 2023.

We would encourage stakeholders to read the consultation document and baseline report and to answer the consultation questions via the on-line Citizen Space platform:

Consultation on 10x Performance Management Framework

The public consultation ends at 17.00 on 26 October.

How can we help?